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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Don't let them take away your sex.

I have been working for about two months for an organization with an agenda to get more pro-choice women elected to the Wisconsin State legislature. I like my job a lot and I like that I am part of a group trying to protect a women's right to choose. When I started this job I thought the right to choose was mainly about protecting access to abortion services. Which I definitely want to protect (there are only three sites in WI that offer abortion services in the year 2006). I don't think this makes me pro-abortion. I am not out picketing for women to have more abortions. Simply this is a safe medical procedure and I strongly belive that women, men and doctors should have access to information and services.

What I am disturbed to learn is that there is a much bigger trend on the horizon. The ultra-conservatives are trying to ban contraception. Seriously. Imagine what your first sexual encounters might have been without contraception. Or, be me...and have a ten year old. I am highly disturbed that the pill, condoms (especially in a time where we have AIDS), morning after pill and other forms of birth control are coming under attack. There are scary laws trying to make their way into Wisconsin law: 1) right to lie to the pregnant patient if doctor thinks pregnant women might abort fetus, 2) right to deny filling birth control prescriptions if pharmacists morally object, 3) banning the sale of birthcontrol and condoms within a specific distance from all UW campuses.

I'm not making this up. Lately I have been known to say to my guy friends, "My job includes trying to save your right to your prized Trojans." And I am not kidding. Being pro-choice is not just some feminist ideal, it is about men and women deciding what kind of contraception they want to use while they engage in SEX. But here's the kicker. If you are a Christian evangelical your agenda is to eliminate S-E-X. Unless you want to create life. Then go ahead and screw. Some sermons in right-wing congregations are even saying that sex within the context of marriage while using contraception is shameful, horrible, sinful.

Well, I have a confession. I like sex. I love sex. I think it can be wonderful and fun and romantic and playful. It can be about wanting a baby. But let's fess, most of the time, most of us do not have a child as the goal. We want orgasms. Safe, protected, fabulous orgasms. Some of us like our sex with a monogomous partner--or spouse. Some don't. I have yet to meet a human being: gay, straight, bisexual, or transexual who doesn't enjoy the act of sex. Ever. And I dare you to say you don't like sex, that you don't think about sex, or fantasize about sex or listen to music that talks about sex. WE ALL DO IT.

But read this. And think about the pro-choice debate that is going on in America. Think about what it would mean to us if contraception was illegal. The pill was only first made legal in 1968.

Ny Times Magazine had this great article. Read onward if you'd like to keep your private parts all safe and sound. Like I said, don't let them take your sex away.


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