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Monday, March 27, 2006

So, what's your name anyway?

Ha. It's my not-favorite question ever. Ever.
Because it makes me have to go through the whole list of life scenerios that leave even me confused about my life and my name.

I just did the 20 minute explanation with the fabulous lawyer woman.

What name do you want to go by O'Neill? Rogers? O'Neill Rogers???
And what name do you go by anyway?

I don't want to go by Kristen*Langjahr*Bonk*O'Neill*Rogers thank you very much.
I would prefer something simpler. But I am know in the political world as O'Neill from the days that I ran for office. I've slowly surfaced in political circles again as Rogers, and they are getting used to that. If ever so slowly.

But. I hate answering the question. I am definitely not an O'Neill. That I know for sure.
So, for today, I'm going by Rogers. It's the closest thing to *my name.* And it isn't Bonk.


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