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Monday, February 06, 2006

Lucky, lucky me.

I may be one of the luckiest people in the world right now.
No, I haven't figured out my whole career dilemas.
No, I didn't win the lottery and subsequently, a million dollars.
No, my famlily isn't perfect and we haven't resolved anything completley.

But. I have much going for me.

Grace and Margaret got their report cards and had wonderful marks and more importantly, beaming comments from their teachers. I love nothing more than the confirmation that my children are well-adjusted, happy, engaging creatures who are smart, mind the instructions of adults and play nicely with their peers. Bravo daughters!

I had a smashingly great interview on Friday. I think I did my best and have the skill set that they are looking for. Hopefully they respect my work history and see me as someone who could grow and transform the political landscape in Wisconsin for women. Hopefully I will know more about the position by the end of the week.

I bought a new baseball glove this weekend in anticipation of softball season. With Mike. And all of the other cool new people that he has brought into my life. We went to the batting cages on Sunday and took some intial pre-season swings. It felt good.

I threw my first tuchdown pass on Saturday at pick up football. It felt like all of those fantasies I have about being a star athlete...such a child-like rush to throw the ball well and have it caught. I think I surprised myself and the eight guys on the field with me.

My new nephew or neice is being born tomorrow. I can't wait to be an aunt for the second time. I am secretly hoping for a boy, but it is cute to imagine my tough brother with a baby girl. Twenty four hours from now and there will be another baby to love and snuggle with.

I got to spend the entire weekend, starting on Friday afternoon, and ending this morning, with Mike. We packed an amazing amount of fun things in, including: having dinner with ten friends on Friday night, seeing great live music by The Pulltops (who played my favorite song), running up and down the football field, having giant plates of mexican food, falling in love with the movie Walk the Line, hitting a softball over and over, fabulous conversation, and rooting for the Seahawks with more of the same great people.

I am truly happy with my life.

Lucky, lucky me.


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