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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just tidbits

-I heard some gossip today. It was from a reliable source. :)
The good news is that the interview committee liked what I had to offer and say. They loved my enthusiasm and my "out-state" experience. I heard that I will be getting called back for a second interview. Haven't actaully heard from an "official" source, so fingers will remain crossed.

-I went to visit little Garrett last night. He was so small-and sweet-and soft. I held him for awhile until my brother insisted that I give him up. Julie's father was at the hospital at the same time and he wanted to hold his new grandson. But I would have hung onto him for longer. Babies are so amazingly wonderful. Grace and Margaret seemed to approve of their new cousin. This as their other cousin, big brother Preston, was tearing around the room trying to get into everything possible. Cute, funny, excited two-year old little monster he is.

-Today's meeting schedule lasts until 9pm. At the moment I am trying to stay focused on some work, but I keep going back to writing strategic plans for the "new" job. I shouldn't get too far ahead of myself-but I want it. Oh, ok. I'll go do some more work.

-Not before this: xm radio rules. RULES. Mike had bought me the equipment for Christmas and hooked it up this weekend. It is addicting. I now have access to LIBERAL talk radio. Today I was listening to Al Franken, how cool is that. And I can flip through genres of music to satisfy any and every taste whim that I have. Country, rap, new alternative, old alternative, french hip hop. It is all there. I have not started to play with all the cool features that the radio has to offer--it can be portable-it can record/store music. And every time a song comes on I can see who the artist is and the name of the song on the display. It rocks. So do you Mike, thanks.
I think that the xm radio combined with my ipod has increased my technology factor by 200% in the past month. I am on my way to becoming a real geek, no just a wannabegeek. Yeah.

Signing off.


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