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Thursday, April 06, 2006

When pick-up lines work.

This morning I was in a convienece store completing a money transfer. As the man behind the counter called it a "flying bank." It was n't a very compicated procedure, but it did require some assistance from him and took about 10 minutes. While I was being helped by the nice man behind the counter another man came into the shop. I was oblivious of him until he was right behind me. And this is what he said,

"Ma'am, I have been a professional girl watcher for over twenty-five years and you are by far the finest that I have ever seen."

Now. In most cases I would have told this guy to fuck off--find someone else to schmooze over. But this was an African American man in his late 60's. He was shy and cute and said this without any gross nasty inuendo's. He was in his Milwaukee bus driver uniform and had salt and peppper hair; he looked very innocent. So I didn't take offense at all, just said thank you politely.

Then he asked me what nationality I was...and I said I was 100% German. And while I stood there waiting for the guy behind the counter to finish the transaction we had a very interesting conversation. This man is a history buff...and went into the long history of how Germans were one of the biggest importers and keepers of slave, which meant that along the line there were a lot of children born of mixed race and that many Germans in the US actually have some African blood in them. (I have no idea if this is true or not, but it was a very interesting conversation and he had facts and dates and information that seemed to make sense, so I am entertaining the idea). Then he told me that he thought I had melanin in my skin because I have olive skin tone, which is not what German skin tone is. Then he said the funniest thing, actually made me laugh out loud, "And, let's face it you have lips. And you sure as hell don't have a white girl body, you have a behind." I almost hit the floor with laughter. He made my day.

Now, if some 30ish white guy had made the same comments to me I would have decked him. Maybe this man made me less aggressive because he was soft spoken and wasn't actually trying to get in my pants, just give a tall blone a compliment. And, I was flattered. Even knowing full well that he probably says this line to all the cute girls.


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