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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sorry: From Late Thursday Night

To all of you people who have endured my crabiness, my over-sensitivity and my plain bitchiness: I lost my temper tonight at people I love. I shouldn't have and I am sorry. I think the stress of a whole lot of stuff and the fact that I am (today) oversensitve got the best of me. I am stressed out the house being on the market. I am stressed about the 12 kids coming to Grace's party. I have mixed feelings about my kid now actually being ten years old. And I resent anyone (kids and adults) making any comments about my body. And my head has been hurting for three days. I am also stressed about a situation involving a neighbor's husband that I can't fully disclose. And I start a new job in a few days and am trying to wrap all the old job stuff up. I know I am making excuses, but I figure this isn't my normal demeanor, so this must be taking a toll. I think it is the constant headache more than anything.... So I yelled. And wasn't pleasant. And now feel even worse. I wish that I could always keep everything together, but I cannot. I hope that I get some sleep tonight and I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Just please, children and adults, know that I am sorry for my behavior. I'm working on it.


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