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Friday, March 03, 2006


I am sitting at my dining room table eagerly awaiting the completion of coffee brewing. I am craving caffeine. I am not sure why this morning is particularily hard to wake up but it is.

Imet with my boss yesterday to discuss things that I needed to complete before my departure. There aren't many really. Wrap up a few loose ends, have some conversations with leadership, etc. I will spend part of the day making phone calls and then a letter is going out to the group today announcing my deaprture. It has been a very easy process...all the agony (and I mean serious agony over the past years) can all be chalked up to some very good conversations and my boss being very kind, supportive, and practical. So there.

(OK, coffee finished! Yeah)

Tonight I am going to dinner/movie wth my dad. We had a blow up in January when he took his kids out to dinner and left me and Kennan out. We haven't been on speaking terms (we've emailed a bit) so this should be interesting. He invited us (meaning Mike, me and the girls) and he'll bring his girlfriend Marty. I am actually looking forward to tonight...it should be pleasant. The girls are looking forward to seeing their grandpa and I frankly, would like things to BE OK.

Ok, back to work. I have tons of phone calls and email to work on today. Not to mention LAUNDRY. Why is there such a horrible thing as laundry? I feel like laundry is a punishment for something....not quite sure what I did to deserve it, but man does it suck.


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