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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

One More List

(I have a serious addiction going here.)

1. Name someone with the same birthday as you? My grandmother had the same birthday as me which as a kid I thought was very cool.

2. Where was your first kiss? On a school bus.

3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Yes, it was a group effort on the part ofmyselfd and my siblings...we trashed an apartment that we were renting--dumb kid stuff, or so we thought until my parents got hit with a bill for repairs. I was 10.

4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? Twice. I hit Adam.Severson when I was a junior in high school at a basketball game in front of a huge crowd. He deserved it. More recently I got in a fight this summer at summerfest defending my brother (who, ironically is 6'4").

5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? The only time that I have every sung in front of people was when JP and I sang karaoke. I have given a speech in front of 2000 people.

6. What is the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? If he can make me laugh we're off to a great start.

7. What really turns you on? Football. Especially in bed.

8. What do you order at Starbucks? Before the football season started and I had no committments on Sunday afternoons I would spend HOURS at Starbucks with a book. Somehow it felt less lonely being alone in the company of stragners. I had a routine. For my first selection I would order a medium dark roast, black. Have at least one refil, then move on to an Early Grey tea. It was heaven.

9. What is your biggest mistake? I have no idea. I've made my share though. I tend to think that I learned something in those mistakes which somehow redeem them. Maybe that is a dillusional frame of mind.

10. Have you ever physically hurt yourself on purpose? Yes. It was a long time ago when I was a misserable person. I hated my life and who I was. It wasn't suicidal, but I wasn't too kind to myself. Luckily that was a long time ago.

11. Say something totally random about yourself. Isn't this whole list-thing kind of random? Or, I have eaten more cheesecake in the past 6 weeks than I have in a long, long time.

12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I've been told I look like Katie Couric...however I see nothing that proves this to be even an iota true.

13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Depends on the company I am keeping. But I loved Harry Potter and cannot wait to see Narnia. I think that qualifies me as a kid at heart. The girls are a great excuse to see all the kiddy flicks.

14. Did you have braces? I did. Followed by a retainer that I didn't wear as much as I should have. Hence, I still have a crooked tooth on the bottom row that annoys the crap out of me. It was worth it.

15. Are you comfortable with your height? I love my height.

16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? Lately, the shoveling of my driveway completelyly melted me.

17. When do you know its love? When no moment of the day is spent without thinking of him, and when you start inventing excuses to see him, and when you know that being in the relationship is exactly where you want to be. Even better than you imagined. Then you know.

18. Do you speak any other languages? Fluently, French. Half-Assed, Spanish.

19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? I did before Shannon and Matt's wedding--I had tan lines that needed erasing. It was short lived, but I have always wished someone would invent a warm, quiet box that you could just nap in. Forget the tan, I want the heat! Especailly today.

20. What magazines do you read? Discover. Martha Stewart Living (no laughing). Outside. Adventure. Sports Illustrated.

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes, twice. Once after babysitting I was given a ride home by the limo driver and once after my cousin's wedding. This was the night my sister-in-law (to be at that time) decided it was a good idea to moon oncoming traffic. Only later did she find out that my brother was driving along side of us and didn't appreicate his future wife fanning her ass for the whole world to see. It was funny.

22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Death has taken several very improtant loved ones.

23. Do you watch MTV? Not for years. Are they still on?

24. What's something that really annoys you? Today, my boss.

25. What's something you really like? Being in bed under warm covers. Comfort food. Chocoloate. Watching Margaret pogo stick in the snow at 7:30 in the morning. Coffee.

26. Do you like Michael Jackson? I love the song 'Beat It' -- and of course as a kid I worshipped his music. Lately he creeps me out.

27. Can you dance? I don't.

28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up? All night. It was a regular routine in college. Procrastinate until I had to stay up typing out papers. Drove my roomate crazy.

30. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Two summers ago I had a severe kidney infection that didn't respond to treatment and I was rushed to the ER. It was a freaky experience--and later was diagnosed with West Nile (the kidney infection was just a symptom) and remained in the hospital for over a week.

31. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? I do!


Blogger 'PeachBelle' said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog and enjoy visiting here occasionally...
Where do you get all these great lists of questions?

8:05 PM


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