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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another List

6:30am: Waiting for it to be time to walk to the bus stop. My sister is snoring in the other room

I am gulping down coffee and waiting impatiently for it to be 6:50.

So, to amuse myself, I'll do another one of those listy things:

Seven things I want to do before I die:
-Finish my degree
-Ride in a fighter jet (or get my own pilot's license)
-Learn to speak Spanish Fluently
-Work for, or become the President of the USA
-Have more kids
-Spend time in another country
-See my children as happy adults

Seven things I can do:
-Make people beleive that anything is possible
-Swear like a sailor
-Cook almost anything
-Hang with the boys
-Think critically when necessary
-Make people laugh
-Laugh at myself

Seven things I cannot do:
-Sew or any other "crafty" type things
-Excuse people for bad behavior with ease
-Sit by and watch the world fall to hell
-Manage everything about my life without help
-Afford to ever start smoking again

Seven things I say a lot:
-Pick up your toys! (or clothes, or dishes, or anything else.)
-You girls amaze me.
-"I thought I had more money in my account?"
-I want to get on an airplane and disappear.
-"I can't beleive he fumbled...!!That idiot! or any other "football talk."

Seven things I find attractive in the opposite sex:
A Great Sense of Humor
Smile! Eyes!
Sense of adventure
Willingness to play
Honesty and Loyalty
Love of Family and Friends

Seven celebrity crushes:
-Nick Cage
-Johnny Depp (after watching Neverland last night)
-Kate Wislet (same reason)
-Brett Farve
-Ewan McGreggor
-Naomi Watts
-Bill Clinton

I am gulping down coffee and waiting impatiently for it to be 6:50.

So, to amuse myself, I'll do another one of those listy things:


Blogger warrior maiden said...

Kristen! I am so glad you sent me this link. I was so inspired, I started a blog up today too! I am studying for an exam, so I can't catch up now, but I will call you on our break! We must connect! I miss you. Love, Kelli

4:08 PM


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