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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Random List-Killing Time.

My sister has been asleep for two hours. I am playing and enjoying internet access and watching the boats stream on by. To kill time, let me entertain you with a list, stolen off another blog, and made my very own. You may decide that you now know more about me that you've ever wanted to know.

First best friend: Amanda Baker
First screen name: something from my St. Norbert days that I can no longer remember
First self purchased album: I bought 8 cassets for a penny with Columbia House. They included INXS and Janet Jackson.
First pet: We had rabbitts and an aquarium. I think my rabbit's name was Fluffy. Original, huh?
First true love: ?Not sure. First real crush was on Chris Jahnke in 5th grade. Was it love? Probably not.
First enemy: Molly.Morter. She and I had the same leather jacket in 8th grade and she stormed up to me and told me that I had no right to wear it. She also beat me in a student council race because she was more popular than me. And she had a Jeep Wrangler in High School. I hated her and secretly wanted to be her all at once.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: John Denver. My parents would sing, "Sunshine on My Shoulders" to get me to go to sleep. Also the counrty favorites, Alabama, The Oakridge Boys, and one of my personal favorites, Kenny Rogers (in first grade I would sneak a tape recorder with The Gambler out at recess and tell all my friends that I was going to marry Kenny).

Last car ride: borrowed a car from my sister's friend, Jesse, this morning and drove it home from the University Campus. Before that it was days since I have been in a car.
Last library book checked out: I have no idea. Something for the girls.
Last movie seen: In the theatre: The John Cusak/Bill Bob Thorton movie that I can't recall the name of (Ice something?). And two nights ago we watched the DVD mockumentary "A Mighty Wind."
Last beverage drank: currently drinking coffee. Had a lovely bottle of Alaskan beer last night.
Last food consumed: a bowl of granola-almond cereal to which I added dried cranberries.
Last phone call: that connected? Talked to my mom this morning. Message: my boss.
Last time showerered: yesterday morning.
Last item bought: funny 2006 sparkly glasses in NYC for my girls to wear on New Year's Eve.
Last annoyance: Can't figure out how to get a photo uploaded into my blogger profile
Last disappointment: My father's idiodic behavior--he preferred to deal with me via email than on the phone. I'll survive though. :)
Last website visited: Jenica's blog.
Last word you said: "Wow, you slept over two hours" (to sister who just awoke from long slumber)
Last song you sang: "Yellow Submarine"
Whats under your bed: the floor. (There is no frame.)
What time did you wake up today: 8:30am West Coast Time

Who are you planning on marrying: A nice man who is funny, smart, and likes to play outside.
What will you name your kids: If I ever have more kids I hope I have at least one boy. What would I name this imaginary kid? Charlie? I have no strong feelings in this department. Nothing 'new agey' though. I hate names like Dakota and Madison...
Where are you going to live: I would like to live in a nice house that has some big trees that is near a medium-sized city. I need to move out of Milwaukee so my kids can get into a decent school system.
How many kids do you want: If I get married and IF my future husband agrees to have more children I would love at least two more. By the time I would actually have these imaginary children Grace and Margaret would be old and I couldn't imagine having only one more kid to be raised essentially as an only child.
What kind of car: No clue. Something with manual transmission. I miss that desperately with the Camry.

Current mood: rested and calm
Current hair: ponytail and a red baseball hat
Current desktop picture: Mike at a softball game. Best smile ever.
Current color of toenails: left over red from the summer--and my big toe nail has a sexy blue bruise from my recent running habit. I've been told that it will fall off soon.
Current hate: (more like ongoing hate) people who don't think beyond their own lives.

My name is: Kristen Kay Rogers
I feel: mostly happy
In the morning I: just try to get through it with as much coffee as I can handle
I like to sleep: without being interrupted
If I could be doing anything right now I: am really happy right where I am.
Money is: something that I manage poorly and need more discipline with. Also money is something that I need to raise in order for my work to expand.
One thing I wish I had is: nothing comes to mind at the moment. I can think of things that I have but do not need.
All I need is: loyalty-love-laughter-fooball and jeans.
Something I need but I don’t really want is: another dentist appointment
I am afraid of: being alone for the rest of my life; public failure; disappointing those who trust me.

What color would your soul be: green
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms: So they can laugh at you as you run in and have to ask for the key doing the "I have to pee really bad dance."
Can you resist things easily: depends on the motivation
Do you think red meat is bad for you: nope.
What do you think of life: It is fragile and must be lived to the fullest.
Do you have a significant other: yup!
Do you have a crush: on my significant other!
Are you happy with the gender you were born with: yes
Are you even-tempered: I am not. And I won't even pretend that I am.
When did you learn to whistle: I was small. 6?
Is the glass half empty or half full: I am working on seeing it half-full, but I have historically been a half-empty kind of person.
If you found out the life you’re living is all a dream: It would definitely explain a lot!!
You shrunk a foot shorter in the night: I would still be almost 5', not bad for a short person. And I think it would be interesting to shop in the petite section for once in my life.
You grew a foot taller in the night: I would play professional sports.
You had to save the world: I HAVE to save the world. I'm working on it!

People: greed
Life: greedy people
Your country: greedy people and capitalism

The world suck: no, the world has so much potential
Britney Spears turn you on: no, she freaks me out.
Life on other planets exist: I want to beleive.
The world revolve around you: on my best days it does.

A picture is worth a thousand words: A great picture can leave you speechless.
A penny saved is a penny earned: I've yet to really understand this whole notion of "saving."
Only the good die young: I've seen this to be true more than once.
Abortion is wrong: no and yes. I have a variety of opinions. And I have an almost ten year old named Grace. I think that speaks for itself. The name Grace was an intentional choice. And she lives up to the name 100%.

Take life seriously: Too seriously I think. I'm working on being more "fun."
Suffer from identity crisis: I think I know myself fairly well, including my faults
Do drugs: nope
Know anyone psychic: If I do they haven't come forward
Lie a lot: nope
Believe you know the person who you will marry: hopefully
Like yourself: Most of the time I think I am great--but I do get pissed at myself and my bad habits.
Talk in your sleep: I snore. Loudly. Like "Darth Vadar with Asthma."

Paranoid: Sometimes--at least when talking politics.
Indifferent: Never. I always have an opionon and usually it is STRONG. Unless you ask me where I want to eat dinner. Then I struggle.
Beautiful: Somedays I feel pretty. Most days I feel average.
Lonely: Since moving back to Milwaukee I have felt less lonely than ever before. These days I definitely feel in the company of others: friends, family, loved ones, and new people.
Cool: Ah no. I am a dork, a geek, a nerd. I embrace that.
Reliable: I like to think so, but I am not a great communicator with people that live far away. I would like to make progress in this department.
Outgoing: YES! YES! YES! I am one of "those people" who talks a lot and feeds on the energy of others.
Shy: only when I feel inferior in some way, then I hold back.
Romantic: Secretly I am a huge softy.
Sensitive: Overly at times.
Stubborn: To a fault.

Eye color: mostly blue with an amber ring around the pupils (I got them from my father).
Hair color: blonde. dyed blonde.
Do you have glasses: no, but that doesn't mean I couldn't use them
Have any pets: At the moment no, Batman is on hiatus again. He may return. He may not.
A day without sunshine is: a great day to stay in bed and read.
If at first you don’t succeed: you're probably normal. ask for help.
You know you should wake up when: Grace is on her scooter in the snow and it is 6:45 in the morning.
Honk: before you start swearing.
If you keep your feet firmly on the ground: you shouldn't trip often.
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds--meal #3 with a diet coke.
Love or Lust: "All I need is love."
Paper or Plastic: Paper. Although I am told each is offensive. I should carry canvas bags but I am too lazy.

The End.


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